
About me

Hey folks! Welcome to my blog. My name is Neil Deshpande. I'm a fresher in college studying Information Technology. Other than writing code sometimes, I'm also interested in physics and data science. I have a hobby of trying new things now and then since I get bored with stuff a bit earlier than others.

About the Blog

Why Am I Blogging?

While paying my college fees online, a year ago, I was introduced to two new terms, NEFT and RTGS. Back then I had no idea what they meant. After looking the terms up, I came to know that they were just money transfer options. It was then when I realized that I needed to work on my financial literacy and familiarize myself with some common terms and how the concepts built around them worked.

Since the world has been at a standstill, due to Covid-19, I got some free time to learn about the basics of finance and online banking. I thought it would be a nice idea to share my knowledge of basic financial and banking related concepts with others (like me) out there who are unaware about them. What better way to do so than writing a blog about it?

What Am I going to blog about?

The contents of this blog would familiarize you with  basic terminologies and financial concepts that are essential for one to know. In this blog, I'll be explaining the concepts of loans, insurance, investments and online payment methods.


I hope this blog succeeds in educating the readers about the online banking and financial options available to them and how to use some of them for their own convenience and benefit.
I'll be covering the above mentioned topics post-by-post and do my best to explain them in simple language. Stay tuned!


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